Now you can support everyone’s favorite Christmas devil. Via Etsy
Last year I wrote about ugly Krampus sweaters. But since then, they’ve been multiplying!
Originally from Austria, Krampus has been steadily growing in popularity as folks discover (or rediscover) how awesome he is. The half-goat, half-demon creature is the Slim Shady, aka dark alter ego, of Santa.
Wielding chains, bells, and birch sticks, Krampus beats and terrorizes naughty children. He sometimes even gets freaky with the ladies. Krampus is a great way to bring a little darkness into the holidays, alongside Jack Skellington.

This bitchin’ ugly sweater looks like a Krampus sugar skull. Via Etsy

Don’t let Krampus get his hooks in ya! Via Amazon

And some Krampus love for the fellas. Via Amazon

What a nice traditional holiday greeting. Via Amazon